
Backup & Restore EXT To Smaller Drive

Overview Linux provides great tools for doing this albeit not in a very user friendly way. As usually it is best to backup before trying this and make sure the space used fits onto the new drive. This method can … Continue reading



Using VirtualBox Shared Folders With Ubuntu 12.04

VirtualBox includes an easy to user shared folder option in the settings. It allows anyone to add a folder from the host computer and share it with the guest. All that is required is for the guest OS, in this … Continue reading



Enable Grub Menu On Boot In Ubuntu 12.04

Edit the file /etc/default/grub and comment out the following lines by adding a # at the beginning: GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=10 GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true Update grub config by running: sudo update-grub The above will generate a new grub menu based on the configuration file. Missing … Continue reading



Ubuntu 12.04 Disk Utility S.M.A.R.T

I was surprised to be greeted by an error dialogue notifying me of a potential issue with one of the HDD but also very grateful. Clicking on the Examine button opened up the Disk Utility program which is part of … Continue reading



Enable SFTP / SSH Password Authentication Amazon EC2

By default EC2 default Linux (Amazon, Ubuntu, etc) AMI do not have password authentication enabled and must use certificates. This improves security but also removes convenience of username/password authentication especially on a multi user system. To enable this feature again … Continue reading



Install Tiny, Tiny RSS On Ubuntu 12.04

Overview Since Google announced they were shutting down their Google Reader service it has come to light how dependent I was on a third party. Fortunately, Google allows data to be exported in a variety of formats including standard variants. … Continue reading



Installing MySQL Ubuntu

MySQL is very easy to install and the commands work for most versions of Ubuntu. Start a terminal. Update Ubuntu’s repository: sudo apt-get update Install MySQL server: sudo apt-get install mysql-server A prompt will appear asking for the root (admin) … Continue reading



IaaS Or VPS Part 3 – Up And Running

Overview Part 2 looked at the differences of AWS/IaaS to VPS. Part 3 will be looking at the cost after a period of time. Running Report The Amazon Web Services have been running for over 3 months with February running … Continue reading