
Separate Networks By Password With Aruba (PPSK/MPSK)

Overview I was looking for devices that supported Private PreShared Keys (PPSK) which allow a single access point to be broadcasted and depending on the preshared key used i.e password for the WiFi then it will assign various privileges. At … Continue reading



Raspberry Pi Connect To Hidden SSID

Turns out the Raspberry Pi won’t automatically look for hidden WiFi networks. CLI To enable this edit the file /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf and add scan_ssid=1 inside the network declaration: SD With the SD plugged into another computer other than the Raspberry Pi, … Continue reading



Home Networking Future Plans As Of 2021

Overview The setup is fairly stable so anything beyond what has already been achieved are enhancements to our lives better. Multigig In performance category, Wifi is the predominant way home devices are connected. In order to support the increasing speeds, … Continue reading



Home Networking Software Services 2021

Overview Following on from infrastructure post which sets out most of the physical side this will cover some of the software that powers the network. In general, a lot of these are not required but doing so will give a … Continue reading



Home Networking Infrastructure

Overview A follow up to Home Networking Overview posted a while ago. With more than a year past I want to go through the changes made, where I’m at and what future changes. The journey from the original post started … Continue reading



Ping Logging Tool

Overview I wanted a tool to log and check network latency and found Ping Logger which would run ping over time and save it into a log with a graph. Summary A neat little app to allow automatic logging and … Continue reading



WiFi Features To Consider

Overview Here a few considerations I think are worth looking into in your next networking setup. I tried to list things that are less commonly known and marketed but makes living the wireless lifestyle easier. Fast Roaming The ability to … Continue reading



Filtering Websites With Ubiquiti Security Gateway And OpenDNS

Overview The Unifi Security Gateway (USG) can be setup to assign a custom DNS server. The DNS server itself will perform the blocking based on the sites people/devices access. Pre-Requisites In order for everything to work beyond a working Unifi … Continue reading