
London Day Pass

Terina and I got a London Day Pass and it was great. We visited the: Tower of London Globe theatre Namco Arcade Vinopolis Planet Hollywood It was a really good day out apart from the rain. One day was definately … Continue reading



Max Power Live

A good trip overall. Just lacked enough activities for us to do and the fact of the long early morning ride to get up there. You can read about the event here.



Hollywood Bowling

Went to Stevenage with group of Industrial Placement(IP) trainees and had loads of fun. Few girls played the Dance Dance Revolution game only to find Liz kicks ass on it. We had two games of bowling with two lanes. We … Continue reading



Max Power Live 2006

Generally a good day. Could have elped if England wasn’t playing in the world cup today but still enjoyed myself. Didn’t seem as interesting as last time but still would return but with better times for the speed arena.



Trip To USA?

A really lucky day today or shall I say yesturday now. went to get my hair cut and missed the morning rush. Won a trip to USA!! Pretty cool. Although it seems a bit of a con looking at the … Continue reading



Buckmore Park

Got a call from Giles 9:30 in the morning!! He asked if I wanted to go to Buckmore Park. Thought hell yeah! We left at 17:00 and got there at 18:30 but didnt start racing till around 20:00. It was … Continue reading



The Shop Says…

Word of mouth from Honda and it doesnt sound good. There’s apparently a leak in the air conditioner and the gearbox needs to be replaced! Man this is going to be expensive! Hope it will be ready before GSK and … Continue reading



All Green

Yes I have ordered the rest of the tickets for Max Power Live! New set of tickets came out today. Feel good now. Exam was o.k. Got a cramp within 10 minutes of writing! My handwritting. God need to start … Continue reading