
MariaDB/MySQL Database Size Sensor In Home Assistant

A quick little tip to get the size of your database into Home Assistant. The example below will get the Home Assistant database size from MySQL. This should also work for MariaDB using the Recorder integration. Assuming the database schema … Continue reading



DigitalOcean Managed (Clustered) Database With WordPress

Overview I have an existing WordPress site running on DigitalOcean on a self managed instance (Droplet). It was time for an OS upgrade and generally I like to start from scratch rather than doing an in place upgrade. Ideally, I … Continue reading



MySQL Consider increasing innodb_redo_log_capacity

Overview I started getting the following warnings in the log from MySQL: 2023-03-18T05:12:59.566053Z 0 [Warning] [MY-013865] [InnoDB] Redo log writer is waiting for a new redo log file. Consider increasing innodb_redo_log_capacity. Redo logs are stored transactions that are used to … Continue reading



MySQL caching_sha2_password: the specified module could not be found.

Upgrading from MySQL 5.x to 8 has caused an error with existing accounts. The fix is to set the authentication to use. More details can be found here. MySQL 8.0.11 error connect to caching_sha2_password the specified module could not be … Continue reading



Upgrading MySQL Running In Docker (Compose)

Overview I wanted to try and upgrade my MySQL database from 5.7 to 8.0 however I have containerised my database install. What I thought was a immutable container would be a simple burn and switch turned out to be a … Continue reading



Cannot load from mysql.proc. The table is probably corrupted

I was trying to update accounts in MySQL and got the following error message: Cannot load from mysql.proc. The table is probably corrupted A little bit scary if my data was corrupted. Turns out there is an upgrade command which … Continue reading



Post MySQL Install

After installing MySQL you can run the below command to secure your install: sudo mysql_secure_installation The script will ask a bunch of questions and act accordingly so it is only as secure as you want it to be but it … Continue reading



Migrating From Ubuntu 14.04 To 16.04

Overview I have written migration plans for Ubuntu upgrades before. What makes it different this time is the hybrid Docker containers that I have used in places and the support for virtual IP (VIP) in Digital Ocean, my current hosting … Continue reading