
Synergy (Project) Windows To Windows

Overview It’s been a while since I have used a “stable” software which almost made me tear my hair out! As good as the concept of Synergy is the execution could have been better. All credit to the software and … Continue reading



July 2007 MacBook Pro Battery

My notebook is over 3 years old and it’s holding up to the test of time fairly well with the exception of the battery. I have taken a screenshot from CoconutBattery to illustrate my point: It holds such a small … Continue reading



Removing X11 On Mac OSX

In a terminal, type in the following to remove X11: sudo rm -rf /Applications/Utilities/X11.app /private/etc/X11 /usr/X11R6 /usr/bin/open-x11 /usr/lib/X11 /Library/Receipts/X11User.pkg Uninstalling X11 from your Mac



Mac OSX vs Windows Vista

I have been using my MacBook Pro for over 6 months now and have come to likes and dislikes with it. I will discuss the Operating System(OS) and not the hardware in this post and will include Vista just so … Continue reading



Back To Windows Vista

I have been away from my main computer for a while and coming back to it and it feels so slow (not to mention the broadband but that’s not my fault)! I can only point the finger on Windows Vista … Continue reading



Delicious Library 2

Introduction Chris Pirillo mentioned a library software for the Mac. It sounds boring but it’s pretty neat. It tracks your items which you enter and it does a look up on Amazon. It downloads all the details and picture of … Continue reading



GPS on Computers

I have been trying to get get a bluetooth GPS device hooked up to various computers from mobile phones, Asus EEE PC to a Vista desktop. I thought it would be fairly easy but boy was I wrong. Starting out … Continue reading



Microsoft FolderShare & iTunes Doesn’t Work

As mentioned in my previous post, I had set up FolderShare on my Windows desktop PC and my MacBook Pro. I did set it to sync my music directory but now have found it to break the iTunes Library. Every … Continue reading