
Ubuntu No Monitor Defaults To 800×600

Overview I recently moved my Long standing Linux box running Ubuntu 8.04 as a headless server which needs X running because of Mythtv. Once it was in place I remoted into the box running Remote Desktop on Linux and VNC … Continue reading



Dropbox Case Conflict

I was setting up Dropbox but it doesn’t seem to handle folders with the same name as a file in Ubuntu.



Samba GUI Config

I found a handy little tool that allows users to configure Samba without going through the command line. To install on Ubuntu type the following: sudo apt-get install system-config-samba The app can be access in System > Administration > Samba … Continue reading



Facebook Picture Upload Crashes Or Errors On FireFox

Recently tried to upload pictures to Facebook using Firefox only to find it crashed on me the first time and errored on the second. I thought this was odd considering it uses a Java Applet which should be compatible with … Continue reading



Ubuntu Music Streaming Server – Ampache

Overview I wanted a music server for personal use so that I can access my music collection remotely or locally. A web front end with the ability to stream to various players would be key. It had to run on … Continue reading



Epson Stylus SX600FW Review

Overview I recently bought a new printer and wanted an all in one unit as well as a cross platform compatibility. I’m bias towards Epson printers which I have had in the past and have had good experience with them. … Continue reading



Replace /dev/xxx With UUID

Overview My recent (re)build of my old Intel Pentium 4 system to run in my Linux system has a slight problem with jumping drive points e.g one minute my /home drive on /dev/sdb1 suddent goes to /dev/sda1 after a reboot … Continue reading



Stop Services / Daemons Starting Up In Ubuntu

To remove daemons from starting up on boot use the following command: sudo update-rc.d servicename remove where servicename is the name of the service. To add the service to start up: sudo update-rc.d servicename defaults To see all your services … Continue reading