
KeePass On Ubuntu

Overview I use KeePass as my password manager which works very well on Windows. Running it on Linux is not as easy but it has gotten better over the years for example in 14.04. Integrating it into browsers on the … Continue reading



Decrypting Minecraft Password

If you want to retrieve a forgotten password in Minecraft you can use some simple Java to decrypt the “lastlogin” file if the username and password from the last session was saved. I do not condone the act of stealing … Continue reading



KeePass Mini Review

Overview Software and services for password manager have been around for a long time. I was skeptical about using such products because I thought it was leaving “all your eggs in one basket”. Loose your key file and / or … Continue reading



WordPress Incorrect Username / Password With VSFTP

I was getting an error logging into my FTP/SFTP server via WordPress when I tried to upgrade a plugin or two. It was saying the username / password was incorrect yet I was able to log in using an FTP … Continue reading



MythWeb Database Access Denied

I recently had to re-install my Linux computer after a lot had screwed up (mainly my fault for experimenting with stuff). When I check MythWeb I got the Message “MythWeb Database Access Denied” with some more text below. MythWeb is … Continue reading