
Disable FireFox Download Panel Automatically Opening

A change was made to FireFox where if you download a file, the download box opens and steals focus from the website. To disable this, go to about:config and search for browser.download.alwaysOpenPanel and set it to false by double clicking … Continue reading



Enable Backspace In Firefox On Ubuntu

Not sure why but the backspace keyboard short is disabled in Ubuntu. To enable it: type about:config into the address bar. Accept the warning. Find the key browser.backspace_action and change the value to 0. Enable Backspace In Firefox In Ubuntu … Continue reading



KeePass Mini Review

Overview Software and services for password manager have been around for a long time. I was skeptical about using such products because I thought it was leaving “all your eggs in one basket”. Loose your key file and / or … Continue reading



Page Speed Tests

Overview Since April 2010, Google has incorporated page speed and loading times into it’s search ranking. Whilst this may not be a huge factor in the rankings it’s something to be aware of. This means optimizing web sites has never … Continue reading



Mozilla Firefox & Thunderbird Spell Checker

Since version 3 of Firefox it has had a built in spell checker. This is handy if say you use your browser to write blogs or posts online for example. The problem is when you download the browser it doesn’t … Continue reading



Disable Automatic Virus Scanning in Firefox 3

I recently switched to Firefox 3 on the Windows platform. I thought it was annoying that it took forever to scan large files and was never too sure when it would be complete. To disable this type in the address … Continue reading



Firefox 3 Beta 1

I will be nuking my boot camp partition because 15GB is not big enough on my MacBook Pro. I decided to try the new beta version of my favorite web browser, Firefox and it seems pretty stable so far. I … Continue reading