
Remove Windows Family Account

A quick post to a video on how to remove a Microsoft Family account from a computer. When you disable an account from logging into the computer, their profile and all associate files remain on the computer. This is not … Continue reading



Window Layout Manager On Windows 10: WinDock

Overview The debate of 2 (smaller) monitors v.s a single larger monitor has been one that I base on preference and working style. I recently switched from 2×22″ monitors to a 27″ and a 15″ laptop monitor due to lack … Continue reading



Left Speaker Bias Asus Maximus VI Hero

After checking I wasn’t going deaf I figured out the left speaker was louder than the right speaker from my PC. I only noticed this on Windows 10 and I have been dealing with the issue by moving the speaker … Continue reading



Make Windows Update Time More Often

Overview Microsoft Windows doesn’t update the clock enough times in the day and when you have a motherboard with a dodgy clock it doesn’t help when the time drifts. Thankfully the time synchronization can be controlled using the Task Scheduler … Continue reading



Windows 8 Sticky Edges

Similar to Ubuntu Microsoft has decided to add a bit of resistance on the edges of a multi-monitor display setup. This allows the system to popup a menu (like the charm bar) before allowing your cursor to move to the … Continue reading



Creating ls command in Windows

Create a ls.bat file with the contents: dir %1 the %1 is the parameters passed into the command so that you can do ls My Documents or just ls. There are different places to put the ls.bat file but as … Continue reading



Organising Photos

Overview Dave Bradford has been on it again but this time on file or more specifically photo management. My existing library contains camera shots from film days scanned in to digital shots from things like phones totally 44GB. Organisation of … Continue reading



Ubuntu 12.04 Disk Utility S.M.A.R.T

I was surprised to be greeted by an error dialogue notifying me of a potential issue with one of the HDD but also very grateful. Clicking on the Examine button opened up the Disk Utility program which is part of … Continue reading