Nov/08Back To Windows Vista
I have been away from my main computer for a while and coming back to it and it feels so slow (not to mention the broadband but that’s not my fault)! I can only point the finger on Windows Vista … Continue reading
Nov/08Installing Ubuntu 8.10 From USB Stick
I had crippled my Linux box from the pokey customizations I had made before doing upgrading from Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 and since upgrading it had been a bit wobbly since. In the end I had to reset my network … Continue reading
Nov/08Ubuntu 8.04 Upgrade To Ubuntu 8.10 No Sound
Overview The new version of Ubuntu was released last week on Thursday (29th October 2008) with Ubuntu 8.10 “Intrepid Ibex”. There have been many talks and reviews about the new release and people even think it’s a more stable release … Continue reading
Overview I wanted some off-site backup to go with my unprotected backup of my computer. I haven’t got the money to afford a redundant storage and backup so this is where the idea came from. Yes it would be slow … Continue reading
Sep/08Crusade To Find A Desktop Calendar
Overview I have been looking for a desktop calendar application for some time now. The one that has worked for me was Lightning, a Mozilla Thunderbird addon which is also a standalone application called Mozilla Sunbird. I have wanted to … Continue reading
Toby sent me a link to a news article and it was shock horror. Take a look: http://www.theregister.com/2006/11/14/ms_firefox/ Funny thing is they’ve increased the size of the Next they will be hijacking a Linux kernel or distro and rebranding that … Continue reading