
Linux Command Line Tips

Some handy tips for working in the command line on Linux. source ~/.bashrc Forces bash to reload the .bashrc file in your home directory. I used it when I have modified the .bashrc file e.g added a new alias or … Continue reading



Apache Tuning

Thread Manager The modular nature of Apache has the ability to switch and replace modules interchangeably. In Apache 2 there is a new thread processing manager. Whilst it brings true multi threading to Apache, it increased the overhead and complexity … Continue reading



Why Linux Desktop Is Not Ready… Yet

Overview I have taken the good old Linux computer to the new flat as the main computer here. My girlfriend uses this computer to do her daily activities like checking email. Over time I have noticed more and more show … Continue reading



Enabling Remote Access To MySQL

I recently set up a virtual machine with Linux running on it to test stuff out. I ran into the issue which I have solved many times when I had installed my server at home which has a LAMP set … Continue reading



MySQL Tuning

MySQL has various configurations to customize the way MySQL functions. One of the easiest way I have found to change the set up of MySQL in terms on scaling is the default configuration files for different sized servers. In Ubuntu … Continue reading



VPS Hosting With CheapVPS

Overview During the past couple of months I have noticed my site ( as well as other things) have been going down unexpectedly. The server running at home was getting on now (first purchased in 1997 as a desktop PC … Continue reading



Formatting A Floppy Disk In Linux

Recently I ran into trouble with an unformatted floppy disk (it was virtual but none the less). It refused to mount because it did not have a valid file system and under Linux you need to specify or at least … Continue reading



Considering Server Replacement

I am starting to see problems with my old, long running server. It gets bogged down very easily. I am considering 2 options: 1. Buy / get a new computer 2. Rent a Virtual Private Server (VPS) 3. Amazon Web … Continue reading