
Firefox 3 Colour Profile

Firefox 3 has enhanced colour profiles which makes colours of pictures look better and less faded. This feature is catching up to Safari’s ability to render pictures and is not turned on by default in Firefox for the reason below. … Continue reading



Firefox 3 Release Date Announced

Finally! The new version of my favourite browser has said the new version will be available on June 17th 2008. Using the Release Candidate(RC) on Ubuntu I’m still worried about some of my plugins/addons not available for the new version … Continue reading



FireFox 3 Beta 5 On Ubuntu Back Button Disabled

For some reason the back button is disabled so you can’t go back to the previous page you went on. You can still right click on it and it will list the past pages and select them to go back.



Firefox 3 Beta 1

I will be nuking my boot camp partition because 15GB is not big enough on my MacBook Pro. I decided to try the new beta version of my favorite web browser, Firefox and it seems pretty stable so far. I … Continue reading




Toby sent me a link to a news article and it was shock horror. Take a look: http://www.theregister.com/2006/11/14/ms_firefox/ Funny thing is they’ve increased the size of the Next they will be hijacking a Linux kernel or distro and rebranding that … Continue reading



Firefox 1.5 Growing Pains

I have been experiencing weird glitches in Firefox Ever since 1.5, there seems to be constant patches/updates coming out for it. Although that may be good because it shows they are constantly working on the browser but I seem … Continue reading