
Web Server Basic Authentication = Weak

I’d like to point out that I knew Basic Authentication in web servers were not bullet proof but in fact the total opposite (pointed out in the energy@home documents). This was hammered home when I was inspired to do some … Continue reading



Bypass Blocked Websites Using SSH Proxy

Overview SSH tunnels are very useful for all sorts of things. One of these uses include proxy. If you have SSH access you can set one up very quickly. I do not condone any misuses of any I.T equipment, software … Continue reading



Facebook Picture Upload Crashes Or Errors On FireFox

Recently tried to upload pictures to Facebook using Firefox only to find it crashed on me the first time and errored on the second. I thought this was odd considering it uses a Java Applet which should be compatible with … Continue reading



My Alternative Free Software On Windows

Overview Here are my picks for free software on Windows (currently Windows 7). Free and open source (two different licenses applied to software) have come a long way and have come to replace my ageing proprietary and non-free applications. I … Continue reading



Mozilla Firefox & Thunderbird Spell Checker

Since version 3 of Firefox it has had a built in spell checker. This is handy if say you use your browser to write blogs or posts online for example. The problem is when you download the browser it doesn’t … Continue reading



Starting A Program From Command Line to X

A cool little trick when your logged in at the terminal level with an X windows session running e.g Gnome, KDE, XFCE, etc and want the program to start in X. I would use it to play tricks or open … Continue reading



Why Linux Desktop Is Not Ready… Yet

Overview I have taken the good old Linux computer to the new flat as the main computer here. My girlfriend uses this computer to do her daily activities like checking email. Over time I have noticed more and more show … Continue reading



Disable Automatic Virus Scanning in Firefox 3

I recently switched to Firefox 3 on the Windows platform. I thought it was annoying that it took forever to scan large files and was never too sure when it would be complete. To disable this type in the address … Continue reading