
Page Speed Tests

Overview Since April 2010, Google has incorporated page speed and loading times into it’s search ranking. Whilst this may not be a huge factor in the rankings it’s something to be aware of. This means optimizing web sites has never … Continue reading



Website Optimizing Tools

Page load times are being taken into Google’s search result so it’s more important than ever to get your pages/site to load as quickly as possible in an efficient manner. This also benefits users and especially mobile browsers. Here are … Continue reading



Header Picture 15

Hello? Can you hear me? Yes the new image is up!



Web Server Basic Authentication = Weak

I’d like to point out that I knew Basic Authentication in web servers were not bullet proof but in fact the total opposite (pointed out in the energy@home documents). This was hammered home when I was inspired to do some … Continue reading



Install Magento Localization Setting Problem

I was playing with Magento and during the web install on the Localization settings page it would stay on US. I selected UK from the dropdown list but the page would refresh and go back to US. I was using … Continue reading



Create And Enable SSL On Ubuntu LAMP Server

Introduction SSL is used to encrypt data between the client e.g a user viewing a website to the web server which hosts the site. SSL uses certificates which are signed and verify the validity of a website. Like any vendor … Continue reading



WordPress 3.1 Update.

A minor update to WordPress has been applied to this site.



User And Registration Changes

I have enabled Captcha to help stem the number of bot registrations. I have never been a fan of Captcha technology but with lack of alternatives there was little choice in implementing it. Another change to this site is the … Continue reading