
MythWeb Database Access Denied

I recently had to re-install my Linux computer after a lot had screwed up (mainly my fault for experimenting with stuff). When I check MythWeb I got the Message “MythWeb Database Access Denied” with some more text below. MythWeb is … Continue reading



Facebook Picture Upload Crashes Or Errors On FireFox

Recently tried to upload pictures to Facebook using Firefox only to find it crashed on me the first time and errored on the second. I thought this was odd considering it uses a Java Applet which should be compatible with … Continue reading



Mac OSX vs Windows Vista

I have been using my MacBook Pro for over 6 months now and have come to likes and dislikes with it. I will discuss the Operating System(OS) and not the hardware in this post and will include Vista just so … Continue reading



Recording CurrentCost Data & Viewing It On The Web

Overview I have (finally) got my project to a working stage so I thought I’d write a bit about it. After buying a CurrentCost CC128 device I was not happy with the software on the Internet for extracting the data. … Continue reading



Ubuntu Music Streaming Server – Ampache

Overview I wanted a music server for personal use so that I can access my music collection remotely or locally. A web front end with the ability to stream to various players would be key. It had to run on … Continue reading



Replace /dev/xxx With UUID

Overview My recent (re)build of my old Intel Pentium 4 system to run in my Linux system has a slight problem with jumping drive points e.g one minute my /home drive on /dev/sdb1 suddent goes to /dev/sda1 after a reboot … Continue reading



Stop Services / Daemons Starting Up In Ubuntu

To remove daemons from starting up on boot use the following command: sudo update-rc.d servicename remove where servicename is the name of the service. To add the service to start up: sudo update-rc.d servicename defaults To see all your services … Continue reading



Linux Terminal Not Auto-completing

in the terminal is one of the most useful features in command line. Both DOS and Linux support autocomplete with the key . This is when you type part of the command or file name and press tab to complete … Continue reading