
Mount ISO File In Linux

A neat trick in Linux is the ability to mount an .iso file as if it was a CDROM. The command to do this is: sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /home/danny/filename.iso /media/cdrom where “/home/danny/filename.iso” is the path to the … Continue reading



NFS Server

Overview Network File Share (NFS) is a protocol for sharing storage. It is quite common in Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices and is a standard compared to Samba which is Microsoft specific but has been ported to Linux. Install NFS … Continue reading



MediaTomb DLNA To Playstation 3

Overview I found the Video plugin for MythTV 0.21 to be inadequate for streaming to the Sony Playstation 3. It didn’t update fast enough when you dropped a video into the UPnP directory and also there was no external way … Continue reading



Enable SFTP On VSFTPD In Ubuntu

Enabling SFTP is very easy and makes FTP protocol a lot more secure than traditional FTP because passwords are not sent in plain text which is susceptible to a lot of things such as packet sniffers, man-in-the-middle, etc. Assuming VSFTPD … Continue reading



Bypass Blocked Websites Using SSH Proxy

Overview SSH tunnels are very useful for all sorts of things. One of these uses include proxy. If you have SSH access you can set one up very quickly. I do not condone any misuses of any I.T equipment, software … Continue reading



energy@home Twitter Integration

A preview of my part time project energy@home with Twitter integration. As you can see the value for total energy used is currently way off but it’s a preview of what’s to come. There are two options: tweet hourly summary … Continue reading



Unable to access MythTV Perl API. Try with –verbose to find out why.

I have been getting the error message Unable to access MythTV Perl API. Try with –verbose to find out why. on MythTv running on Ubuntu 8.04. It wasn’t bothering me too much because the TV guide was still being updated. … Continue reading



SSH On Multiple Ports

It is possible to have SSHD (SSH server) to listen on multiple ports. some places block port 22 the default port for SSH. To over come this you can use another port such as 3389 (which happens to be the … Continue reading