
WordPress Thumbnail Generation Greyed Out

I create a new install of WordPress and as I was writing up a post or two I noticed the thumbnail options were greyed out and only allowed me to insert my images full sized. The problem was a missing … Continue reading



WordPress 2.7 – Big UI Changes

Summary I have successfully upgraded to WordPress 2.7. Quick Overview It may not look like it from the front page but from my Admin side they have re-worked a lot. The forms look a lot more stylish and Web 2.0. … Continue reading



WordPress 2.5.6 Upgrade

I did another successful upgrade to the WordPress engine on this site.



WPtouch WordPress Plugin

I have enabled the WPtouch plugin for WordPress. This changes the theme when an iPhone or iPod Touch goes onto this site it compacts it into a smaller and better presented view. Whilst both devices do support full view (there … Continue reading



Blog Maintenance

I was doing some modifications to my WordPress site and noticed my theme needed some maintenance. My theme was based on an older theme from WordPress 2.0. There were some deprecated tags and Google Adsense advert needed replacing. I’m glad … Continue reading



WordPress 2.6.3 Upgrade

Just upgraded the WordPress engine to the latest release. I found this upgrade to be harder than other times because I am not on my main computer and nor am I on the local network where my server is located. … Continue reading



WordPress Permalink Change Error

Overview I was changing the permalinks in WordPress from the default and obscure post/page numbers to a more URL friendly style with the date and title of the post. Once I had changed the permalink settings it loaded the home … Continue reading