
Ubuntu 12.04 DHCP Server

Overview A DHCP server issues computers on the network IP addresses. Normally this is done by the router but a computer is more flexible because: Cheap to add multiple network interface cards More control over network traffic Fits into other … Continue reading



Install Oracle (Sun) JRE On Ubuntu 12.04

Below should work for Ubuntu 12.04 for 32 and 64 bit. Add Oracle’s repository to repository list: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java Update sources: sudo apt-get update Install JRE 7: sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer Java JRE will not install in Ubuntu 12.04



Ubuntu Sticky Edges

Overview I had setup Ubuntu 12.04 on a laptop which was connected to a docking station with dual monitor setup. After installing the nVidia drivers and setting up the screens I found that the mouse would lag when crossing between … Continue reading



Ubuntu 12.04 Server Install Stops At Purple Screen

I was installing Ubuntu 12.04 server edition and after it detected the network interface it stopped at a blank purple screen. The install hadn’t hung because characters appeared in the bottom grey bar when you pressing any keys on the … Continue reading



Migration Plan From Ubuntu 10.04 LTS To 12.04 LTS

Overview I’m preparing myself to move from 10.04 to 12.04. With 12.04 as the next Long Term Release (LTS) coming in the next release I thought it was time to prepare for the inevitable move from old to new. Setup … Continue reading



Things To Install After Installing Ubuntu 11.10

A great article on what to install after Ubuntu 11.10 is installed. 10 things to do after installing Ubuntu 11.10



SpiderOak Mini Review

Overview I was looking for a replacement to Dropbox after the EULA / T&C changes and found SpiderOak to be a very attractive alternative. It’s a backup and folder sharing / sync software which runs on all 3 major platforms … Continue reading



WiTopia VPN Abroad

Overview I recently went abroad to Cyprus and got a chance to try using a VPN service “on the road”. I had my Android and Linux devices with mixed results. Please continue reading to find out more. Ubuntu 11.04 I … Continue reading