
Keep VPN Alive On Ubuntu

Overview I have tried VPNs in the past but for whatever reason they always disconnect after a certain amount of time despite selecting automatically connect. I found a post on how to keep a VPN alive by using network manger … Continue reading



Create Swap Partition Ubuntu

To check if there are any SWAP files configured run the following command: sudo swapon -s It will list all swaps if any. Ensure there is enough space on the root partition to create the swap: df -h Create the … Continue reading



Setting Github Repository

Overview This article will walkthrough setting up a Github repository and using a Ubuntu Desktop environment to perform push and pull requests. Pre-Requisits It is assumed you have an account on Github already at http://github.com. It is also assumed you … Continue reading



Check & Change Ubuntu Locale

Overview I recently moved some of my hosted servers to Digital Ocean for their low cost, SSD tiers. On doing so I noticed the time was out by few ours only to realise NTP was not installed and also the … Continue reading



motion – Motion Detection Software On Ubuntu

Overview I had tried (and failed) before to setup a motion detection camera using Linux (Ubuntu) and a USB webcam. The 2 most popular choices seemed to be zoneminder or motion. Install sudo apt-get install motion To test motion use … Continue reading



Persistent SSH Tunnel

Overview An tunnel is a way of providing a connection for which other connections can be made without revealing what they are. An SSH tunnel is using the SSH protocol to create such connection. One of the main benefit to … Continue reading



Run Dropbox On Ubuntu 12.04 Server

Overview I wanted to set up Dropbox on a headless server so I can access files sync’d rom Dropbox as well as having an online backup of the files away from Dropbox itself. Install Download and extract the zip file: … Continue reading



Install Sonar 3.5.1 With MySQL On Tomcat 7 Running Ubuntu 13.04

Overview This post assumes MySQL is already installed. Create an empty schema for Sonar and a user with create, update, index, and delete like privileges. Tomcat 7 sudo apt-get install tomcat7 Java sudo apt-get install default-jdk Sonar Download and extract … Continue reading