
Install Node / NPM On Ubuntu 14.04

Overview Node is fairly new and is constantly improving. With Ubuntu LTS, the repository versions tend to stay the same version and only changing for patches. This doesn’t help with fast changing software like node.js so a manual install gets … Continue reading



Install Latest Ruby On Ubuntu

Go to https://gorails.com/ and go to the setup section. The site has step by step to install a Ruby environment.



Ubuntu System Load Applet

Overview I like to have a constant view of my resources (especially on a limited machines such as laptops) so i can see what the slow is possibly caused by. Thats where multiload comes in. Install sudo apt-get install indicator-multiload … Continue reading



KeePass On Ubuntu

Overview I use KeePass as my password manager which works very well on Windows. Running it on Linux is not as easy but it has gotten better over the years for example in 14.04. Integrating it into browsers on the … Continue reading



Samsung Series 9 Ultrabook Running Ubuntu 14.04

Overview Like most problems with Linux based operating systems it lags behind on support of new hardware and with Ubuntu’s LTS releases being 2 years apart it can become a real hack to get support and drivers if new hardware … Continue reading



Install SASS On Ubuntu

Overview SASS has allowed CSS to evolve into a more dynamic language such as variables and mixins for re-usability. Install sudo apt-get install ruby-full rubygems sudo gem install sass Usage If the following error occurs when you use –watch parameter: … Continue reading



Preparing For Ubuntu 14.04

Overview With Ubuntu 14.04 LTS coming up I thought it would be fitting to discuss my plans for upgrading. My current setup has 1 computer running 12.04 LTS and it has been running relatively well except for the first few … Continue reading



Brute Force Protection On Ubuntu 12.04

Overview Protection from spammers and slowing down brute force attacks should always be used especially with cheap VPS / cloud computing as well as the botnets. Whilst there are no 100% way of preventing the issue there are software to … Continue reading