
Remove Ubuntu Keyring Password

I often access Linux remotely but since 10.04 I have been encountering issues with the remote desktop. After a reboot, in order to gain remote desktop connection it would always prompt for a password. In situations where it reboots and … Continue reading



Acer Aspire One D255E Mini Review

Overview Our Asus EEE PC 701 SSD failed when I tried to upgrade it from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04. I was in the middle of an install when it failed to copy a file and then there after it could … Continue reading



Ubuntu 10.04 dos2unix Tools Missing

To install dos2unix (and unix2dos) tools in Ubuntu: $sudo apt-get install tofrodos The package in Ubuntu does not use the standard dos2unix command and instead are: fromdos – same as dos2unix todos – same as unix2dos This tool seems to … Continue reading



Ubuntu 10.04 Firewall (UFW) Basics

Overview UFW or Uncomplicated FireWall is a basic software solution for protecting against network intrusions. It’s basic in the form that it’s a wrapper around the more powerful and complex iptables and therefore makes some assumptions such as rate limits. … Continue reading



Apache 2 Hardening Tips

Below are some of the tricks I use or found useful to try to mitigate unwanted attention. Whilst this is not a definitive guide these are simple quick things that can be done. This was written for Ubuntu but it … Continue reading



Invalid Command ‘Header’

Another error and same problem as last time: the module was not loaded! Invalid command ‘Header’, perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration $sudo a2enmod headers to enable the headers module $sudo service apache2 … Continue reading



Invalid Command ‘ExpiresActive’

I recently got the error message below when I was trying to reload Apache: Invalid command ‘ExpiresActive’, perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration …fail! To fix it ensure the “expires” module is loaded: … Continue reading



Check For Rootkits In Ubuntu

There’s a nice pre-made script which checks your Ubuntu system for Rootkits. Whilst it’s by no means exhaust way of finding out if your system is infected it makes it real simply and easy to do. First thing to do … Continue reading