
Run Dropbox On Ubuntu 12.04 Server

Overview I wanted to set up Dropbox on a headless server so I can access files sync’d rom Dropbox as well as having an online backup of the files away from Dropbox itself. Install Download and extract the zip file: … Continue reading



Enable SFTP / SSH Password Authentication Amazon EC2

By default EC2 default Linux (Amazon, Ubuntu, etc) AMI do not have password authentication enabled and must use certificates. This improves security but also removes convenience of username/password authentication especially on a multi user system. To enable this feature again … Continue reading



IaaS Or VPS Part 3 – Up And Running

Overview Part 2 looked at the differences of AWS/IaaS to VPS. Part 3 will be looking at the cost after a period of time. Running Report The Amazon Web Services have been running for over 3 months with February running … Continue reading



Enabling MPEG2 / VC1 Codec On Raspberry Pi XMBC

Purchasing License Buy a license from Raspberry Pi site at http://www.raspberrypi.com/mpeg-2-license-key/ Before doing so you’ll need to get the serial number from the Raspberry Pi. This is NOT printed physically on the board. Power up RaspBMC and go to Settings … Continue reading



IaaS Or VPS Part 2 – Setup And Install

Overview Part 1 described the reasoning and setup behind the comparison. In this post I will go through the implementation of AWS and the final comparison of IaaS Vs. VPS Setup EC2 Setting up an EC2 and RDS instance was … Continue reading



SSH 2 Factor Authentication With Google Authenticator In Ubuntu 12.04

Overview I love 2 factor authentication and believe it’s one of the best way forward to securing access. 2 Factor authentication combines something you know such as a password with something you have like fingerprint. In this case SSh will … Continue reading



Ubuntu 10.04 Firewall (UFW) Basics

Overview UFW or Uncomplicated FireWall is a basic software solution for protecting against network intrusions. It’s basic in the form that it’s a wrapper around the more powerful and complex iptables and therefore makes some assumptions such as rate limits. … Continue reading



Kick A Linux User Who’s Logged In

In command line type in who or w will list all the users who are currently logged in. To log them off type in the following: pkill -KILL -u danny where danny is the username. If ‘danny’ was logged in … Continue reading