
energy@home Mention On GNC#518

I sent in an Email to Todd on the Geek News Central Podcast and he kindly linked my project in his show notes which can be found here. You can hear the recording on episode 518 around 1 hour 13 … Continue reading



My Alternative Free Software On Windows

Overview Here are my picks for free software on Windows (currently Windows 7). Free and open source (two different licenses applied to software) have come a long way and have come to replace my ageing proprietary and non-free applications. I … Continue reading



GNC #449 Quick Email

Yay another email read out by Todd at 50minutes 43 seconds. Geek News Central website Podcast #449



NewsGator RSS

Overview Whilst I’m not new to RSS/ATOM I have only recently started using an RSS Reader/Aggregator/Catcher/what ever you want to call them. RSS is one of the latest developments to use XML standards to deliver content using a subscription model. … Continue reading