

Overview I have been using Unraid for over 2 years now and it has a great in-between a full solution such as a NAS dedicated hardware and a homelab DIY solution. The idea was to use it as a server … Continue reading



Raspberry Pi Connect To Hidden SSID

Turns out the Raspberry Pi won’t automatically look for hidden WiFi networks. CLI To enable this edit the file /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf and add scan_ssid=1 inside the network declaration: SD With the SD plugged into another computer other than the Raspberry Pi, … Continue reading



Boot From Grub

Overview When you get the grub command prompt: grub > It means something went wrong with the grub boot leader whether it was not installed properly or it cannot find your hard drive to boot into the OS. From this … Continue reading



HAProxy Redirect Unknown Subdomains

Overview It’s possible to redirect non configured sub domains to a different error message rather than a default or error 503 which is a server side error. Edit /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg and add the following to the default frontend: default_backend no-match Then … Continue reading



Ubuntu 16.04 Migration Update

A quick update to my migration process. I had all the servers running 16.04 and it was OK except for the stability. Setting up and moving things were simple enough. I did encounter issues with my symlinked .bashrc which I … Continue reading



Migrating From Ubuntu 14.04 To 16.04

Overview I have written migration plans for Ubuntu upgrades before. What makes it different this time is the hybrid Docker containers that I have used in places and the support for virtual IP (VIP) in Digital Ocean, my current hosting … Continue reading



Deluge BitTorrent Client On Ubuntu

Overview Deluge is a bit torrent client which uses a client-server like architecture. The cool thing is you can have the server locally (like this install) or remote and just use the client to manage the queue. Install Add the … Continue reading



Install Latest Maven On Ubuntu 14.04

Overview It’s well known that Ubuntu ships and keeps the same main branch of software that was shipped with the version on Ubuntu at the time. A good example is Ubuntu 14.04 has HAProxy 1.4 even though 1.5 came out … Continue reading