
energy@home With CurrentCost IAMs

It’s been a while since I’ve done a write up on the energy@home project so I thought I’d write something up. There have been few minor tweaks since the last post including some user contribution especially from systems using multiple … Continue reading



Energy@Home 0.7 Released

This new release with the main focus on multichannel support. There were a lot of paint along the way most noticeable performance issues. The multichannel support allows for 2 or 3 phase CT clamp compatibility. Channels are different from appliances. … Continue reading



Energy@Home 0.6.5 Released

This new release didn’t go as smoothly as planned and I had aimed to get 0.7 out the door but felt this release did not deserve the minor versioning increment so I thought I’d explain in this post. I had … Continue reading



Web Server Basic Authentication = Weak

I’d like to point out that I knew Basic Authentication in web servers were not bullet proof but in fact the total opposite (pointed out in the energy@home documents). This was hammered home when I was inspired to do some … Continue reading



energy@home 0.5 Released

I’m excited to say a new release of energy@home have been released! The new version includes: Offline data storage – If it was unable to save the data to the database it will save it file and later re-insert the … Continue reading



144 Bug

I have been in contact with Mark on my energy@home project and found Mark’s website which led me to a disappointing discovery – bug in the CurrentCost device. Whilst it has not affected me yet it is somewhat disconcerning that … Continue reading



energy@home 0.4

I have just published version 0.4 of energy@home. It includes Twitter integration and a new graph which shows how much energy was used for each hour of the day. energy@home project page



energy@home Twitter Integration

A preview of my part time project energy@home with Twitter integration. As you can see the value for total energy used is currently way off but it’s a preview of what’s to come. There are two options: tweet hourly summary … Continue reading