
Apache 2 Error “(98)Address already in use”

Overview I performed a reboot of my server running Apache 2 with SSL and found the sites were not loading when it came back up. Once the server was backup I assumed Apache had already started but none of the … Continue reading



Tomcat 7 Server Error 404 From Eclipse

Although the server states it has started (albeit with errors in the console) when you browser to localhost:8080 to get to the Tomcat welcome page it shows an “HTTP Status 404 – /” with the description “The requested resource (/) … Continue reading



Netstat By Port

netstat -tulpn| grep :80 where 80 is the port number Apache Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to port 80 or 443 error and solution



Website Optimizing Tools

Page load times are being taken into Google’s search result so it’s more important than ever to get your pages/site to load as quickly as possible in an efficient manner. This also benefits users and especially mobile browsers. Here are … Continue reading



Apache 2 Hardening Tips

Below are some of the tricks I use or found useful to try to mitigate unwanted attention. Whilst this is not a definitive guide these are simple quick things that can be done. This was written for Ubuntu but it … Continue reading



Invalid Command ‘Header’

Another error and same problem as last time: the module was not loaded! Invalid command ‘Header’, perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration $sudo a2enmod headers to enable the headers module $sudo service apache2 … Continue reading



Invalid Command ‘ExpiresActive’

I recently got the error message below when I was trying to reload Apache: Invalid command ‘ExpiresActive’, perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration …fail! To fix it ensure the “expires” module is loaded: … Continue reading



energy@home 0.5.2 Released

A minor release but fixes the issue where Apache was reporting an error due to a missing variable. The new version also contains more changes “under the hood” such as using JSON natively during GET operations (graph data) and clean … Continue reading