
WordPress Search Does Not Include Tags

By default the WordPress out of the box search does not include tags in posts. It seems a bit odd not to include them as it’s purpose is additional meta data for filtering purposes. This was easily fixed by installing … Continue reading



Blank WordPress Homepage (index.php)

I’ve recently done a WordPress fresh install and found the front page on the site was not loading. There were no errors on the web server nor the blank page it loaded. It turned out it was the theme was … Continue reading



New 2011 WordPress Theme

Today I have finally published the new theme I have been working. I wanted to try and update the look and feel of the site to something more modern and try using some CSS3 techniques. HTML 5 canvas was planned … Continue reading



Remove WordPress Default Admin Account

A good security tip is to remove the default “admin” account that is installed by default. Before doing so create a new user who also has the role Administrator. When deleting an account such as the admin one, WordPress can … Continue reading



WordPress – Your Browser Is Out Of Date

Never knew it was WordPress’s job to keep your browser up to date:



Create And Enable SSL On Ubuntu LAMP Server

Introduction SSL is used to encrypt data between the client e.g a user viewing a website to the web server which hosts the site. SSL uses certificates which are signed and verify the validity of a website. Like any vendor … Continue reading



WordPress 3.1 Update.

A minor update to WordPress has been applied to this site.



WordPress Upload File IO Error

Just tried to upload files for the first time on my newly installed LAMP service but got an error message on the upload dialogue box saying IO Error in red. A work around is to use the browser upload which … Continue reading