
IBM BPM Introspection

Overview Many programming languages allow introspection to examine objects at runtime. Even Javascript has this ability but IBM BPM does not have this built in. To workaround this limitation a service can be built with an input type of ANY … Continue reading



Tomcat 7 Server Error 404 From Eclipse

Although the server states it has started (albeit with errors in the console) when you browser to localhost:8080 to get to the Tomcat welcome page it shows an “HTTP Status 404 – /” with the description “The requested resource (/) … Continue reading



Ubuntu 10.04 dos2unix Tools Missing

To install dos2unix (and unix2dos) tools in Ubuntu: $sudo apt-get install tofrodos The package in Ubuntu does not use the standard dos2unix command and instead are: fromdos – same as dos2unix todos – same as unix2dos This tool seems to … Continue reading



JavaME With Bluetooth GPS

Introduction I have been getting my hands dirty with the Java Mobile Edition (JavaME) platform and I have had my ups and downs with it. It is the first time I have made a mobile Java application but I have … Continue reading



Java 4-Ever

This was such a funny video I had to post it.



Facebook Picture Upload Crashes Or Errors On FireFox

Recently tried to upload pictures to Facebook using Firefox only to find it crashed on me the first time and errored on the second. I thought this was odd considering it uses a Java Applet which should be compatible with … Continue reading



Online Database Builder

I have been searching around for an online version of Microsoft Access. Google and some other websites has got the word processor, spreadsheet and presentation so why isn’t there a database in Google docs? Zoho has it but it’s service … Continue reading



GPS on Computers

I have been trying to get get a bluetooth GPS device hooked up to various computers from mobile phones, Asus EEE PC to a Vista desktop. I thought it would be fairly easy but boy was I wrong. Starting out … Continue reading