
MythTV Capture Card Requirements With Multiple Front Ends

I have start to live the dream of time shifting commercial skipping T.V programs and it’s all done in MythTV. Today I have discovered why someone mentioned they had 4 T.V capture cards in their system was not so ridiculous … Continue reading



XMLTV Error 6400 And XMLTV Error 2304

My MythTV had a problem with the getting the T.V schedule (guide) and all the channels just displayed “No Data”. I ran mythfilldatabase manually and it reported Error 6400. I shutdown Myth Backend and started it back up and ran … Continue reading



Copying Files & Rsync On Linux

I ofund this article from IBM which says you can copy files and preserve their file permissions using the -p argument e.g cp -p log.txt / This is really handy when used with the recursive -r argument which will keep … Continue reading



bash: man: command not found

Just a quick update to my experience with a VPS server. The Ubuntu install on CheapVPS is so stripped down it doesn’t even include one of the most basic commands: man. man display man pages which are Linux manuals for … Continue reading



Linux Command Line Tips

Some handy tips for working in the command line on Linux. source ~/.bashrc Forces bash to reload the .bashrc file in your home directory. I used it when I have modified the .bashrc file e.g added a new alias or … Continue reading



Apache Tuning

Thread Manager The modular nature of Apache has the ability to switch and replace modules interchangeably. In Apache 2 there is a new thread processing manager. Whilst it brings true multi threading to Apache, it increased the overhead and complexity … Continue reading



Why Linux Desktop Is Not Ready… Yet

Overview I have taken the good old Linux computer to the new flat as the main computer here. My girlfriend uses this computer to do her daily activities like checking email. Over time I have noticed more and more show … Continue reading



Enabling Remote Access To MySQL

I recently set up a virtual machine with Linux running on it to test stuff out. I ran into the issue which I have solved many times when I had installed my server at home which has a LAMP set … Continue reading