
Replaced IFTTT With n8n.io

Overview I was lucky to be on the IFTTT Legacy price plan where I could set the price of what I wanted to pay per month. I believe it started from $1.99 so that was what I chose. As time … Continue reading



Home Assistant Continuous Integration Workflow 2023

Overview Previously, I was using TravisCI to perform checks on any changes to Home Assistant files. Since then, TravisCI has introduced caps and pricing plans and on the free tier I ran out of credits very quickly which broke the … Continue reading



Android To iOS Software

Overview I switched from Android to iOS and listed what I feel are comparable apps between the 2 with any notes about them. I am predominantly Android so there will be bias towards that platform. Tasker – Workflow Tasker is … Continue reading



My Canon DSLR Journey Part 5 – Post Processing

Overview Next is editing and storage of pictures. Following the previous post hopefully most of the pictures were taken in RAW format. This post will address why. Editing Tools The king of photo editing software is Adobe Photoshop. Being a … Continue reading