
Restructuring Instances With DigitalOcean

Overview I have been using DigitalOcean for hosting my blog as well as other services for a while now. Not only have there been significant advances with the likes of volumes, firewalls, etc for free the value for money on … Continue reading



IaaS Or VPS Part 4 – Maintenance And Scale

Overview It’s been over a full three months of running of AWS IaaS and with two consecutive months remaining largely the same deployment. (I’ll get to the third month later). Cost As you can see I’m on the free tier … Continue reading



IaaS Or VPS Part 3 – Up And Running

Overview Part 2 looked at the differences of AWS/IaaS to VPS. Part 3 will be looking at the cost after a period of time. Running Report The Amazon Web Services have been running for over 3 months with February running … Continue reading



IaaS Or VPS Part 2 – Setup And Install

Overview Part 1 described the reasoning and setup behind the comparison. In this post I will go through the implementation of AWS and the final comparison of IaaS Vs. VPS Setup EC2 Setting up an EC2 and RDS instance was … Continue reading



IaaS Or VPS Part 1 – Analysis And Intent

Overview With the proliferation of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) does it make sense to use Virtual Private Servers (VPS) or even shared / dedicated hardware? Prices for IaaS have been decreasing with competition and VPS industry hasn’t really moved … Continue reading



Moving Hosts

I am in the process of moving VPS so expect some disruptions this week as I get this set up again.



VPS Hosting With CheapVPS

Overview During the past couple of months I have noticed my site ( as well as other things) have been going down unexpectedly. The server running at home was getting on now (first purchased in 1997 as a desktop PC … Continue reading



Website Down Time

Sorry for the problems in accessing this site but I have noticed my over 10 year old server is starting to show it’s age and it’s been constantly going down. I have temporarily moved the site to a Virtual Private … Continue reading