
Run Vuze / Azureus On 64bit Java

Go to SWT Eclipse project website and download the Linux (x86_64/GTK 2) version. At the time. SWY was at version 3.7.2 and the downloaded file was swt-3.7.2-gtk-linux-x86_64.zip. Make a temporary folder to unzip the files to: mkdir ~/swt Unzip the … Continue reading



Ubuntu Preload

Preload is a daemon which monitors “adaptive readahead daemon” which analysises and monitors most used programs in the background. Once it knows this information, it will load them into memory so that when they are run, it’s already in memory … Continue reading



SSH 2 Factor Authentication With Google Authenticator In Ubuntu 12.04

Overview I love 2 factor authentication and believe it’s one of the best way forward to securing access. 2 Factor authentication combines something you know such as a password with something you have like fingerprint. In this case SSh will … Continue reading



Ubuntu 12.04 DVD Playback

Overview For some reason the encrypted library for playing back DVDs (libdvdcss) is not install as part of apt-get and therefore must be done manually. Install Download the library and install DVD library: sudo apt-get install libdvdread4 Then run the … Continue reading



Recover MySQL Data From Files

Overview The best way to backup and restore from MySQL is using Workbench or mysqldump however this may not be possible if the system is trashed but have HDD data in tact. As a last resort the files can be … Continue reading



dvd::rip Rip Title Stays At 0%

Overview I was trying to rip a title from a personally owned DVD when I noticed the Clip & Zoom tab didn’t have any previews and later on I found it wouldn’t transcode either. I later found it was stuck … Continue reading



Tomcat 7 Server Error 404 From Eclipse

Although the server states it has started (albeit with errors in the console) when you browser to localhost:8080 to get to the Tomcat welcome page it shows an “HTTP Status 404 – /” with the description “The requested resource (/) … Continue reading



Mounting LVM Using Ubuntu Live CD

Overview My system died recently and I needed to access the data on the hard drives. I had two 1TB drives in a logical volume which I needed to pull data off of. Luckily the drivers were in tact. Live … Continue reading