
Install Sun JDK On Ubuntu 12.04

Overview Ubuntu had removed the latest version of Java from the repository and uses the OpenJDK instead. Whilst this is fine for personal use but for development purposes the development should be done against the runtime environment which is usually … Continue reading



IaaS Or VPS Part 2 – Setup And Install

Overview Part 1 described the reasoning and setup behind the comparison. In this post I will go through the implementation of AWS and the final comparison of IaaS Vs. VPS Setup EC2 Setting up an EC2 and RDS instance was … Continue reading



Install Hudson On Ubuntu 12.04

Add Hudson to the sources list: sudo sh -c “echo ‘deb http://hudson-ci.org/debian binary/’ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hudson.list” Do an update to refresh the repository list: sudo apt-get update Install Hudson sudo apt-get install hudson By default the administration page is at http://localhost:8080. … Continue reading



FreePBX 2.9/2.10 On Ubuntu 12.04

Overview Here’s an updated guide for installing FreePBX on Ubuntu 12.04. I found a different guide to installing FreePBX against the 12.04 LTS with some minor tweaks. I have opted for installing 2.9.x of FreePBX because the changes in 2.10 … Continue reading



Increase Samba File Transfer In Ubuntu 12.04

Overview There are 2 lines in the Samba configuration file which are commented out by default which can be uncommented out to increase read speeds. It is very easy to do and reversible as well. From personal experience it has … Continue reading



Monitor Services On Ubuntu 12.04 With Monit

Overview Monit is a very simple daemon which monitors conditions. Conditions can be defined as anything from a file to mounted drives. Monit can send email alerts, log to syslog and also restart services. Install Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) To … Continue reading



MediaTomb Samsung TV On Ubuntu

Overview MediaTomb uPnP / DLNA server works out the box for standard media servers but required some configuration tweaks to enable playback on PlayStation 3. Whilst the changes were done manually in an XML file, the changes were simple and … Continue reading



Apache 2 Error “(98)Address already in use”

Overview I performed a reboot of my server running Apache 2 with SSL and found the sites were not loading when it came back up. Once the server was backup I assumed Apache had already started but none of the … Continue reading