
Modify “Places” In Nautilus, Ubuntu

Places in the Ubuntu equivilent explorer bar is quick and easy way to navigate to folders but there is no easy way to customise them. The configuration file is actually located in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs so it’s on a per user basis. … Continue reading



Install HA Proxy 1.5 On Ubuntu

Overview Apache’s HAProxy is a proxy software but it can also load balance between servers. The significance of version 1.5 is it’s ability to handle SSL connections where as before you needed to off load the connection to a different … Continue reading



BitTorrent Sync On Ubuntu

Overview BitTorrent Sync or BT Sync uses BitTorrent technology to facilitate peer to peer file synchronization. It allows almost true peer to peer setup without a central server (except for a tracker). Clients can come on and offline as an … Continue reading



MySQL Server 5.6 512MB RAM

Overview Ubuntu 14.04 added MySQL 5.6 to the official repository but it turns out installing it on anything less than 1GB RAM is pretty difficult. Disable Service Startup It is necessary to disable service startup after an install to prevent … Continue reading



Ubuntu 14.04: add-apt-repository – command not found

The tradational command to a PPA repository was to use add-apt-repository but in 14.04 the command is not always part of the default OS install. To fix this just install software-properties-common python-software-properties sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties add-apt-repository not found



Installing Latest Docker Server On Ubuntu 14.04

Overview Docker is becoming a very popular software container for Linux based deployments. It allows software to be wrapped into containers and deployed onto the server. The container is “jailed” so that it’s processes cannot interfer with others (a sandboxing … Continue reading



Manually Installing Sublime Text 2 On Ubuntu

Overview Sublime is one of the best of the text editor I have used. One of the best things about it is that it’s cross platform but it doesn’t include an installer for Linux. Install Download a copy of the … Continue reading



Vagrant And DigitalOcean On Ubuntu

Overview Vagrant is a piece of software which allows (re)creation of virtual environments. By default it supports VirtualBox but other “providers” can also be used such as Amazon Web Services, VMware, etc. Vagrant creates virtual machines with specific resources and … Continue reading