
dvd::rip Debugging (Warning: No libxvidcore API 4 found)

I had an issue with dvd::rip failing to transcode videos when using clusters but using the Transcode button worked fine. In the Cluster Control window everything was added fine but when the project started it failed at 0% on all … Continue reading



Ubuntu LVM2 – Smart Storage

Overview There are plenty of exceptions where hardware and software abstractions are used to create modular and flexible designs in a modern OS. Examples can be seen from Microsoft’s .Net Framework to Virtualization. Logical Volume Management or LVM is no … Continue reading



FreePBX – Common Voicemail Box

Overview I have several extensions on my Asterisk / FreePBX box but currently only one landline. Ring groups solved the problem of one incoming call ringing multiple handsets but there was only one official solution to sharing voicemail. Voicemail Blasting … Continue reading



Show Nautilus As Text In Ubuntu 10.04

In the new Ubuntu the windows manager Nautilus does not change from an icon to a text when you click on the current directory in the bread crumb. To solve this use the shortcut Ctrl + L



VNC/RDP Not Refreshing On Ubuntu

When I use VNC Client to remote desktop onto my Ubuntu 10.04 I got the background and maybe even the Gnome panel but the windows and programs were not appearing on the screen. However my mouse and clipboard was still … Continue reading



Linksys SPA3102 And FreePBX On Ubuntu 10.04

Overview I wanted to setup a Private Branch eXchange(PBX) system using Asterisk server at home. As I already had a traditional land line (PSTN or POTS line) I needed something to bridge the computer to the land line. My idea … Continue reading



Full Disk – MediaTomb Hog

For some reason MediaTomb was out putting a lot of log statements in /var/log/mediatomb.log. I tailed the file and only got what looked like time stamped entries of normal scanning information as I have timed re-scans. The file managed to … Continue reading



PDF Printer In Ubuntu

It is really simple to add a PDF printer in Ubuntu 9.10. A PDF printer prints a page and writes to a file in PDF format. To install this feature typer in the terminal: sudo apt-get install cups-pdf That’s it. … Continue reading