
Exposing Homelab

Overview Opening home services to the world wide web is a security concern and technologies such as VPNs have gotten a lot easier to setup. However, there are times where you cannot install a VPN client and I haven’t had … Continue reading



Let’s Encrypt With HaProxy

Overview Using EFF’s goal to encrypt the Internet has spawned a project to issue TLS certificates is a great idea and opens up certificates for everyone and not just for those with money. To balance certificates being miss used, EFF … Continue reading



Securing HAProxy Headers

Overview https://securityheaders.io will give a score of how well placed the HTTP headers are on a site ranging from A+ to F (not sure what the R rating is for). Headers are a powerful meta (invisible to the naked eye) … Continue reading



Upgrading HAProxy On Ubuntu

Overview Following my earlier post using Vbernat’s PPA to install the latest Haproxy on Ubuntu, there have been several minor versions since the original post. The steps below will show you how to upgrade to any version offered by Vbernat’s … Continue reading



Install HA Proxy 1.5 On Ubuntu

Overview Apache’s HAProxy is a proxy software but it can also load balance between servers. The significance of version 1.5 is it’s ability to handle SSL connections where as before you needed to off load the connection to a different … Continue reading



Removing Passphrase From SSL Key

It’s good practice to password protect any encryption keys but it’s not always practicle to do so. So in doing this it degrades security for convenience. Create a copy to backup the key in case something goes wrong: cp my.key … Continue reading



DannyTsang.co.uk And Heartbleed

In line with most security recommendation I have updated OpenSSL to a patched version which does not contain the Heartbleed bug. In the mean time I have issued a password reset to all registered users. For more information



IaaS Or VPS Part 3 – Up And Running

Overview Part 2 looked at the differences of AWS/IaaS to VPS. Part 3 will be looking at the cost after a period of time. Running Report The Amazon Web Services have been running for over 3 months with February running … Continue reading