
Dockerising WordPress

Overview Container software has really picked up in popularity in part thanks to Docker and the concept is great. So much so I wanted to try it on my blog. Topology My setup consisted of a single instance on DigitalOcean … Continue reading



Github Over HTTPS

Github defaults to using the default SSH port (22) but it can be reconfigured to use HTTPS port 443. To test this run the following command: ssh -T -p 443 git@ssh.github.com The above -p 443 parameter tells SSH to connect … Continue reading



Managing Servers On The Go With Android

Overview Since the ye ol’ days I have been self hosting one thing or another at first from a repurposed family computer to now using cloud infrastructure like Linode and Digital Ocean. I’m not a sys admin by day (and … Continue reading



Vagrant And DigitalOcean On Ubuntu

Overview Vagrant is a piece of software which allows (re)creation of virtual environments. By default it supports VirtualBox but other “providers” can also be used such as Amazon Web Services, VMware, etc. Vagrant creates virtual machines with specific resources and … Continue reading



Github Permission Denied

I was trying to push to Github and got the following error: debug1: No more authentication methods to try. Permission denied (publickey). In the above case make sure a new SSH key exists by checking there are files in ~/.ssh … Continue reading



Brute Force Protection On Ubuntu 12.04

Overview Protection from spammers and slowing down brute force attacks should always be used especially with cheap VPS / cloud computing as well as the botnets. Whilst there are no 100% way of preventing the issue there are software to … Continue reading



Setting Github Repository

Overview This article will walkthrough setting up a Github repository and using a Ubuntu Desktop environment to perform push and pull requests. Pre-Requisits It is assumed you have an account on Github already at http://github.com. It is also assumed you … Continue reading



Persistent SSH Tunnel

Overview An tunnel is a way of providing a connection for which other connections can be made without revealing what they are. An SSH tunnel is using the SSH protocol to create such connection. One of the main benefit to … Continue reading