
TTRSS – Your access level is insufficient to run this script

After upgrading from 1.9 to 1.11 I had got the error message “Your access level is insufficient to run this script” when trying to log in. The problem was TTRSS needed to run some upgrade script but if you log … Continue reading



Install Tiny, Tiny RSS On Ubuntu 12.04

Overview Since Google announced they were shutting down their Google Reader service it has come to light how dependent I was on a third party. Fortunately, Google allows data to be exported in a variety of formats including standard variants. … Continue reading



NewsGator RSS

Overview Whilst I’m not new to RSS/ATOM I have only recently started using an RSS Reader/Aggregator/Catcher/what ever you want to call them. RSS is one of the latest developments to use XML standards to deliver content using a subscription model. … Continue reading