
Cloud Desktop

Overview Having a persistent cloud environment means no more standby or shutting when you’re moving or leaving the computer. Leveraging cloud computing, it could be as cheap to run or as powerful as you want configure it. Install Gnome Install … Continue reading



Install UniFi Controller On Ubuntu 16.04

Overview The Ubiquiti networking gear comes with a Java controller software to provision the hardware. It’s called the Unfi controller. Because it’s a Java application it can run on any Java compatible system so in my case I wanted to … Continue reading



Migrating From Ubuntu 14.04 To 16.04

Overview I have written migration plans for Ubuntu upgrades before. What makes it different this time is the hybrid Docker containers that I have used in places and the support for virtual IP (VIP) in Digital Ocean, my current hosting … Continue reading



Megabit To Gigabit Network

Overview I have finally made the switch to Gigabit networking! Thanks to an Amazon deal I bought some switches to kit my network out. Because I do move large files about such as video files as well as streaming from … Continue reading