
Mounting LVM Using Ubuntu Live CD

Overview My system died recently and I needed to access the data on the hard drives. I had two 1TB drives in a logical volume which I needed to pull data off of. Luckily the drivers were in tact. Live … Continue reading



Waking Windows 7 Controller Error

It seems there’s an issue with my preferred method of separating home and windows partition on Windows 7. I use the Sleep function a lot rather than shutting it down over night. Most of the time it works but I … Continue reading



My Performance Tweaks To Ubuntu

Now that I have a “spare” Linux box I thought I’d try and improve the speed on the box. If it goes kaput I learn and re-install. So here are the ones I found that worked: hdparm This is the … Continue reading



Replace /dev/xxx With UUID

Overview My recent (re)build of my old Intel Pentium 4 system to run in my Linux system has a slight problem with jumping drive points e.g one minute my /home drive on /dev/sdb1 suddent goes to /dev/sda1 after a reboot … Continue reading