
Home Assistant Backup

Overview Backups are very important especially the amount of effort spent in automating everything. If the automations are done right, any loss would have a impact whether it’s inconvenience to dependencies making the time to recover even more important. I … Continue reading



Restructuring Instances With DigitalOcean

Overview I have been using DigitalOcean for hosting my blog as well as other services for a while now. Not only have there been significant advances with the likes of volumes, firewalls, etc for free the value for money on … Continue reading



Backup Drive Naming Convention

Overview The main purpose i use a naming convention is to identify the drive with the new data v.s the old. Imagine going to the location where you’re swapping out a drive. Even a small distraction can cause confusion. Did … Continue reading



Backup Overview

Overview This post ties all the backup posts into 1 overview of the backups. There are 3 main types based on the location of where the data is stored / managed: Local Offsite Online Local Backup Data that resides in … Continue reading



Windows 10 Backup

Overview I recently tried Windows 10 Backup to try and get the file version history integrated into explorer with the bonus of file backup on top of my current backup solution. Settings Set up was fairly easy. Adding the backup … Continue reading



Off-Site Backup Part 3 – Tools

Overview The second part to off site backup goes into the tools. For the concept and background to this please see  and security here. Backup Program I use SyncBack Pro to handle the file copy and triggering the file copy. … Continue reading



Off-Site Backup Part 2 – Security

Overview The second part to off site backup goes into the tools. For the concept and background to this please see  Physical First consideration was security. You have to remember the physical and logical security required. For starters the place … Continue reading



Why Backup?

Overview I hope people don’t need a reason to backup so this is my view on the subject. So many things are stored digitally nowadays from messages to photos but how many of them are irreplaceable? I fear for losing … Continue reading