
Replaced IFTTT With n8n.io

Overview I was lucky to be on the IFTTT Legacy price plan where I could set the price of what I wanted to pay per month. I believe it started from $1.99 so that was what I chose. As time … Continue reading



Salt Level For Water Softener With ESPHome

overview We got a water softener installed near the water mains coming into the house. It’s a “dumb” softener so that it does not rely on using electricity. This means it will continue to work in a power outage but … Continue reading



Home Assistant Continuous Integration Workflow 2023

Overview Previously, I was using TravisCI to perform checks on any changes to Home Assistant files. Since then, TravisCI has introduced caps and pricing plans and on the free tier I ran out of credits very quickly which broke the … Continue reading



Home Assistant: New Starter Tips

Overview These are the things I wish I knew at the start of Home Assistant to save time and re-doing various setup related changes. It purely focuses on configurable points within Home Assistant as opposed to choices of eco systems, … Continue reading



Home Assistant: Condition Based Auto Entities Card

Overview I was looking for a way to show / hide information based on states or attributes of an entity. Example use cases: Show any windows / doors which are open. List any low battery devices. Pre-Requisite Optional: Home Assistant … Continue reading



Sleep and Time Tracking Data Flow

Overview This post should hopefully tie in what I do with my sleep tacking data and time tracking. It’s more complicated than it needs to be but automation and integration is still maturing with a large split between business focused … Continue reading



Automating Toggl With Android Tasker

Overview This follows on from the first post about time tracking and setting up Toggl. Automating time tracking helps alleviate the burden of remembering to start and stop timers. There maybe situations where it would not be good etiquette to … Continue reading