
Android To iOS Software

Overview I switched from Android to iOS and listed what I feel are comparable apps between the 2 with any notes about them. I am predominantly Android so there will be bias towards that platform. Tasker – Workflow Tasker is … Continue reading



Everyday Carry – Core 2017

Overview This details the Core layer of my EDC as per the model defined in my previous post. My EDC This is what I have on me when I leave the house at all times. Ziiiro Eclipse: current watch with … Continue reading



Android To iPhone: 6 Months Later

Overview It’s been at least 6 months since I switched from Android to iOS cold turkey. I still have and use an Android tablet running Marshmallow so I do swap between the two platforms on a daily basis although I … Continue reading



Switching From Android To iPhone 6s

Overview Technically the title should read iOS instead of iPhone but hey ho. It has been a long time since I have used an iPhone full time however I made the switch mainly because of the ever increasing physical size … Continue reading



Communal USB Charge Point

Overview I’m an Android user and have converted everyone in the house hold to be the same. As a convenience thing I decided to use one of the spare wall socket to USB plugs and put a micro USB cable … Continue reading



Dell XPS 14 Ultrabook (2012) Mini Review

Overview I was given a budget and allowed to choose my work laptop. This was one of the best work ethic I have come across because it allows me to choose what is suitable and would like to use rather … Continue reading



Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Mini Review

Overview I picked up a new Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 which fulfills a want since these beautiful devices have come out. I hope this will replace the netbook that is the current travel companion which was a Acer Aspire One … Continue reading



Header Picture 15

Hello? Can you hear me? Yes the new image is up!