
Time Tracking With NFC Tags On Android

Overview NFC tags are relatively cheap solution to start timers (or any other tasks in Tasker) where GPS has an accuracy up to 50 metres. An NFC tag is down to the centimetres. NFC is less of a power draw … Continue reading



Automating Toggl With Android Tasker

Overview This follows on from the first post about time tracking and setting up Toggl. Automating time tracking helps alleviate the burden of remembering to start and stop timers. There maybe situations where it would not be good etiquette to … Continue reading



Sleep Tracking

Overview Sleep science and information is hard to come by and I can only assume it’s a field not as well studied or I’m looking in the wrong places. My goal of sleep tracking are: Time tracking Quality of sleep … Continue reading



Time Tracking With Toggl

Overview First step of continuous improvement (or just improvement in general) is monitoring and what better way to do this than to track time. Time is relevant to everything and a good way to see where it goes. When someone … Continue reading



Manually Setting Up Webserver Time Trial

Overview In this day and age, setting up a server is a non event with cloud computing. I am currently behind in setting things up manually and scripts rather than using a tool. I have dabbled in Vagrant and Chef. … Continue reading



Android To iOS Software

Overview I switched from Android to iOS and listed what I feel are comparable apps between the 2 with any notes about them. I am predominantly Android so there will be bias towards that platform. Tasker – Workflow Tasker is … Continue reading



4 Android Phones In 4 Months

Overview Over the last few months, I’ve had issues with the Pixel 2 line of phones which has led to a combination of replacement and changing devices back and forth all on Android devices. It is a true test of … Continue reading



Boot Android Device On Power

Overview There’s a cool feature where from a totally powered off Android device it can boot up when a power source is connected to it. It requires root and also running a configuration command. This worked on my Nexus 7 … Continue reading