
Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Mini Review

Overview I picked up a new Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 which fulfills a want since these beautiful devices have come out. I hope this will replace the netbook that is the current travel companion which was a Acer Aspire One … Continue reading



WiTopia VPN Abroad

Overview I recently went abroad to Cyprus and got a chance to try using a VPN service “on the road”. I had my Android and Linux devices with mixed results. Please continue reading to find out more. Ubuntu 11.04 I … Continue reading



Acer Aspire One D255E Mini Review

Overview Our Asus EEE PC 701 SSD failed when I tried to upgrade it from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04. I was in the middle of an install when it failed to copy a file and then there after it could … Continue reading