
Pi-hole DNS Filtering

Overview Pi-hole is a very light weight, DNS filtering server. It’s so light that there are reports it can even run on a Raspberry Pi 1! Example reasons for filtering DNS include blocking ads to filtering out harmful sites (content … Continue reading



Backup Drive Naming Convention

Overview The main purpose i use a naming convention is to identify the drive with the new data v.s the old. Imagine going to the location where you’re swapping out a drive. Even a small distraction can cause confusion. Did … Continue reading



Sleep Tracking

Overview Sleep science and information is hard to come by and I can only assume it’s a field not as well studied or I’m looking in the wrong places. My goal of sleep tracking are: Time tracking Quality of sleep … Continue reading



Low Signal After Ubiquiti Access Point Firmware

Upgrading from to (and beyond) on UAP AC Lite the signal was very poor and kept getting failed to obtain IP address error on multiple devices. It turns out the “Auto-Optimize Network” setting was having the opposite effect … Continue reading



Double Wear OS Watch Lifestyle

Overview Black Friday 2018 was kind to me and the TicWatch E dropped below £90. At the time, TicWatch Pro is Mobvi’s top of the line watch with better specs however I already had the E and the predominate reason … Continue reading



Home Networking Overview

Overview My goal was to have the ability to manage and control devices connected to my network but also make it as seamless as possible for the users. These goals can be broken down into 3 areas: Securing devices Network … Continue reading



Backup Overview

Overview This post ties all the backup posts into 1 overview of the backups. There are 3 main types based on the location of where the data is stored / managed: Local Offsite Online Local Backup Data that resides in … Continue reading



Converting IFTTT Date And Time From Fitbit

Overview If This Then That (IFTTT) has helpful human readable date time format but it doesn’t help any systems trying to use the date time in other systems. This is one way to covert it if the data is going … Continue reading