
Home Assistant Backup

Overview Backups are very important especially the amount of effort spent in automating everything. If the automations are done right, any loss would have a impact whether it’s inconvenience to dependencies making the time to recover even more important. I … Continue reading



Adobe Lightroom Classic On SSD

Overview Adobe Lightroom (LR) is more or less the defacto tool photographers use to manage their libraries. It allows organisation of photos to fairly comprehensive editing facilities. One limitation with current SSD’s is the price per MB. With space at … Continue reading



Raspberry Pi Connect To Hidden SSID

Turns out the Raspberry Pi won’t automatically look for hidden WiFi networks. CLI To enable this edit the file /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf and add scan_ssid=1 inside the network declaration: SD With the SD plugged into another computer other than the Raspberry Pi, … Continue reading



Setting Up nVidia Jetson Nano In Headless Mode With Windows 10

Overview There are a few instructions online to setup the nVidia Jetson Nano using Linux/FreeBSD based OS so I found a way to do it from Windows. Pre-Requisites Besides the hardware described here, you’ll need a terminal to access the … Continue reading



Home Assistant: New Starter Tips

Overview These are the things I wish I knew at the start of Home Assistant to save time and re-doing various setup related changes. It purely focuses on configurable points within Home Assistant as opposed to choices of eco systems, … Continue reading



Restructuring Instances With DigitalOcean

Overview I have been using DigitalOcean for hosting my blog as well as other services for a while now. Not only have there been significant advances with the likes of volumes, firewalls, etc for free the value for money on … Continue reading



Useful Octoprint Plugins

Overview Octoprint has been one of the best 3D printing tool to make printing a lot easier. The software runs on a Raspberry Pi which I use OctoPi as a dedicated setup and gives remote access to a 3D printer. … Continue reading



Home Assistant: Condition Based Auto Entities Card

Overview I was looking for a way to show / hide information based on states or attributes of an entity. Example use cases: Show any windows / doors which are open. List any low battery devices. Pre-Requisite Optional: Home Assistant … Continue reading