
Home Assistant Continuous Integration Workflow

Overview Development pipelines such as version control to deploying changes automatically. In Home Assistant’s case, you can make changes in YAML text files anywhere and Home Assistant can pick up the changes and automatically load them. Tools I use GitHub … Continue reading



MySQL caching_sha2_password: the specified module could not be found.

Upgrading from MySQL 5.x to 8 has caused an error with existing accounts. The fix is to set the authentication to use. More details can be found here. MySQL 8.0.11 error connect to caching_sha2_password the specified module could not be … Continue reading



Water Depth Sensor With ESP32

Overview We live in a house with a water tank in the loft which uses gravity to feed water to any of the water sources upstairs in the house like the hot water tank to bathroom taps. Now and again, … Continue reading



Time Tracking With NFC Tags On Android

Overview NFC tags are relatively cheap solution to start timers (or any other tasks in Tasker) where GPS has an accuracy up to 50 metres. An NFC tag is down to the centimetres. NFC is less of a power draw … Continue reading



Cannot Remove Healthy (Recovery Partition)

Overview Windows Disk Management tool does not allow recovery partitions to be removed so the command line route is the built in option to do this. Delete partition Open a command prompt as administrator. For example: typing cmd in the … Continue reading



Home Assistant Backup

Overview Backups are very important especially the amount of effort spent in automating everything. If the automations are done right, any loss would have a impact whether it’s inconvenience to dependencies making the time to recover even more important. I … Continue reading



Adobe Lightroom Classic On SSD

Overview Adobe Lightroom (LR) is more or less the defacto tool photographers use to manage their libraries. It allows organisation of photos to fairly comprehensive editing facilities. One limitation with current SSD’s is the price per MB. With space at … Continue reading



Raspberry Pi Connect To Hidden SSID

Turns out the Raspberry Pi won’t automatically look for hidden WiFi networks. CLI To enable this edit the file /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf and add scan_ssid=1 inside the network declaration: SD With the SD plugged into another computer other than the Raspberry Pi, … Continue reading