
Add Programs To Metro Apps UI In Windows 8

Programs which are not installed by an installer like putty do not appear in the metro ui (also known as a tile) in Microsoft Windows 8. To add them is very simple: Create a shortcut for the program and name … Continue reading



Raspberry Pi Replace Home Server

Overview With the popularity of Raspberry Pi I wanted to investigate if it was possible to replace my 24×7 Linux server running at home. Whilst one Raspberry Pi will not replace a desktop computer, it may be possible to use … Continue reading



Install FreePBX On Raspberry Pi

Overview The great thing about the Raspberry Pi is it’s ability to change it’s OS with a swap of an SD card. This allows the Pi to change functions and testing almost as easily as spinning up a Virtual Machine … Continue reading



Use log4j As Tomcat 7 Logger

Log4j is a common logging framework used within applications. The logging library can also replace the default logging in the following steps: Stop Tomcat server (if running) Download log4j library from their website Extract and copy the jar file to … Continue reading



Migrating Mozilla Thunderbird Email To Gmail

Overview Once the news came out that Thunderbird was no longer going to be actively developed, I knew it was time to switch. Whilst the program will be maintained it will only be a matter of time before it falls … Continue reading



Enable Remote Debugging From Tomcat 7 In Windows

Overview Tomcat Configuration Ensure Tomcat is not running before making any changes. Add the following in the first free line that’s not commented out to the file tomcat\bin\startup.bat: set JPDA_ADDRESS=8000 set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket For example from: rem $Id: startup.bat 895392 2010-01-03 … Continue reading



IaaS Or VPS Part 3 – Up And Running

Overview Part 2 looked at the differences of AWS/IaaS to VPS. Part 3 will be looking at the cost after a period of time. Running Report The Amazon Web Services have been running for over 3 months with February running … Continue reading



Samsung 830 SSD (512GB)

Overview My Windows system stopped booting up for some odd reason but luckily it only affect my OS drive. As I had to reinstall Windows I thought now would be a good time to get an SSD to save cloning … Continue reading