
Windows 10 Waking From Sleep

Overview Since switching to Windows 10 I have been seeing the computer being woken up from sleep from random events here are some of the things I looked at to solve the wake up issue. Setup Set the computer to … Continue reading



Migrating From Ubuntu 14.04 To 16.04

Overview I have written migration plans for Ubuntu upgrades before. What makes it different this time is the hybrid Docker containers that I have used in places and the support for virtual IP (VIP) in Digital Ocean, my current hosting … Continue reading



Git Submodule v.s Subtree

Overview Incorporating libraries that are separately version controlled but requiring it as a dependency can be done in git but there are different ways of doing it. As an example I have used Git’s submodule and subtree. I started with … Continue reading



Switching From Android To iPhone 6s

Overview Technically the title should read iOS instead of iPhone but hey ho. It has been a long time since I have used an iPhone full time however I made the switch mainly because of the ever increasing physical size … Continue reading



MySQL Workbench Error Code 7

Overview On Windows, I was getting the following error trying to take a database dump to file: mysqldump: [ERROR] unknown variable ‘delayed-insert=FALSE’ Operation failed with exitcode 7 At the time I was using Workbench 6.3.5. Temporary Fix Edit the file … Continue reading



Pebble Time Steel Mini Review

Overview For those who don’t know the Pebble Time was the second generation E-Ink display smart watch. The Kick Starter Campaign started first half of 2015. It was the first smart watch that had more than a days worth of … Continue reading



Document Organisation Part 2 – Management

Overview Similar to my photo organisation post I have also looked into doing something similar for documents. The goal is become paperless or at least less reliant on paper documentation. When I embarked on this workflow optimisation I wanted to … Continue reading



Document Organisation Part 1 – Physical To Virtual Documents

Overview This is the first post of a series where I describe the electronic documentation management system I use. It’s a system that works fairly well for me and I hope it can pass on this information and even better … Continue reading