
Install UniFi Controller On Ubuntu 16.04

Overview The Ubiquiti networking gear comes with a Java controller software to provision the hardware. It’s called the Unfi controller. Because it’s a Java application it can run on any Java compatible system so in my case I wanted to … Continue reading



Fujitsu ScanSnap S1300i Review

Overview I’ve been planning to get a document scanner for a while now and it was a choice between Canon’s P225II or Fujitsu ScanSnap S1300i. Fortunately one of them was discounted to make the decision easier – the ScanSnap. Hardware … Continue reading



Off-Site Data Backup Part 1

Overview So many things are stored digitally nowadays from messages to photos but how many of them are irreplaceable? I fear for losing my data from past experience but even more so now that I have a child. Thankfully my … Continue reading



Left Speaker Bias Asus Maximus VI Hero

After checking I wasn’t going deaf I figured out the left speaker was louder than the right speaker from my PC. I only noticed this on Windows 10 and I have been dealing with the issue by moving the speaker … Continue reading



Ubuntu 16.04 Migration Update

A quick update to my migration process. I had all the servers running 16.04 and it was OK except for the stability. Setting up and moving things were simple enough. I did encounter issues with my symlinked .bashrc which I … Continue reading



Document Organisation Part 3 – Optical Character Recognition

Overview I wanted the text in scans to be embedded in the PDF document which PDF does support. Other solutions I’ve seen have been to include a copy of the text in a separate text file with the same name … Continue reading



Android To iPhone: 6 Months Later

Overview It’s been at least 6 months since I switched from Android to iOS cold turkey. I still have and use an Android tablet running Marshmallow so I do swap between the two platforms on a daily basis although I … Continue reading



Dockerising WordPress

Overview Container software has really picked up in popularity in part thanks to Docker and the concept is great. So much so I wanted to try it on my blog. Topology My setup consisted of a single instance on DigitalOcean … Continue reading